Friday, June 27, 2008

Presidential Runoff

Today the Presidential Runoff is taking place. Leading up to it has been a very difficult time, especially for the poor and most vulnerable people of Zimbabwe. People in the Rural areas and those in the townships have suffered much under state sponsored terror. In Hatcliffe the Zanu PF militia have been ruling supreme for the past month. All trade and commerce is being controlled by the militia. Buses are having to offload people about a kilometre outside the township in order to avoid the "toll" that they are being charged for entering the occupied territories. Street vendors have to pay a fee in order to continue trading and they have to wear Zanu PF campaign regalia in order to be spared harrassment. Most motorists have been cowed into displaying campaign regalia on their cars to be granted passage in some of Harare's occupied territories. Pedestrians have no option but to carry at least some item that identifies them with the ruling party in order to more with some modicum of freedom

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